3D Palace Ultimax DVD I 英文光碟正式版 (DVD版)
3D Palace Ultimax DVD I 英文光碟正式版 (DVD版)
Suitable for Max 5,6,7 and 8
The single largest video training set ever produced commercially by anyone -
Ultimax Armageddon is a training site like no other when it comes to sheer
scope! Over 80 hours of end to end training to produce an end result...
a 380 meter high, massively detailed walking attack platform... ULTIMAX.
Created from specially commissioned concept art from Jeremy Love, this set
shows you the complete end to end approach to creating this behemoth.
Warning - you will need at least a 3ghz machine with a 512MB stick of ram.
The scope of this tutorial is to show you the end to end approach to
creating massively detailed and animated pieces, the set includes the
complete modelling, optimising, rigging and animation of Ultimax as well
as the complete modelling, rigging and animation of a scout and attack
walker PLUS an environmental modelling set too.
Try it for yourself and discover why 3d-palace Ultimax is the ultimate
training for massive polygon, high detail work.